The Vanguard Tactics Academy Will Help You Win More Games.

Follow our Step-By-Step Process to evolve into a successful and confident Warhammer player in just 20 weeks.


Your Army

We teach you how to build an army that can play every mission and compete against every faction.

Your Skills

The Academy will develop you as a player so that you can be successful with your army and the models that you already have.

Your Hobby

The Academy will bring you clarity and confidence every time you step up to the table so that you can enjoy every aspect of the game.

14-Day Money Back Guarantee

We know you will absolutely love the which is why we are williong to offer you a 14-day money back guarantee if you don't find the academy or the community value for money

What Does The Academy Look like?

Once you have joined the Academy, you will get a new video webinar every week. There are 12 main educational modules that cover every single aspect of the game and all of the factions. If you have started or completed our free course "Learn to play 9th edition" already then you should have an idea of how the lessons will run and the quality of the information provided.


How Does The Academy Work?

Think of the Academy like a University or College course. But one where you actually enjoy the homework.

The course is 100% online and no matter where you are in the world, as long as you have a smart phone, tablet or laptop you will be able to study the weekly lessons at your own pace. 


VT Plus


As soon as you join the Academy you also get full access to VT+. 

VT+ is where you can learn everything you need to know about the top army lists and how to run them with our indepth lessons. 

We also show you how to deploy every single army and faction no matter if you are going first or second.

Plus loads more battle reports that are only available on VT plus. 


Student Results

Colton was saving up for new models, but with the coaching from the Academy, Colton was able to improve his game and with just using the models he already had. Colton got a 3rd place at a recent tournament.


Jared was tired of losing every game at events with his favourite army. But Jared took the leap and is now consistently going 3-2 at GTs.


Mike didn't know if the Academy was going to be good value after he had tried other coaching services and membership sites on the market.


Join The Academy Today

Click the button to start the Academy program now and start paving the way to success on the tabletop.
The opportunity is right here, right now...
You just need to take it.

Results You Can Expect From The Academy

What some of our students had to say about the course p.s the Academy used to called the mentorship.


Sign up today and get access to VT+ completely for free and save 20% on all VT terrain and events.


50% Complete

Two Step

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