How to podium at a 40k Super Major - With Matt Lorah

In this episode Stephen Box interviews LVO runner up Matt Lorah on his recent success with his Custodes list.

If you are interested in attending Warhammer 40k tournaments and want to know more about what it takes to podium, how to critically analyse your army list but still play the game in the right way with sportsmanship and fair play at the forefront then this episode will be perfect for you.

Thanks to Matt Lorah and James Otero for sharing their wisdom and insights.

Matt's list is posted below


The Academy is now open. 


Click here to find out more

We have opened the doors to the Academy 📖 


The Academy will be open until the 20th February or until spaces are sold out. 


So are you signing up for the ultimate course to improve your Warhammer 40k knowledge and tactics?


With over 300 people signed up for the waiting list, now is the time to enrol.🎟


Spaces are limited. 


The Academy has 12 detailed modules and helps you:


💫 Be more confident with the rules 

🎯Have the clarity to see what your next steps are

🕶Be composed at the table

🎭Become part of an incredible community

🎲Become a consistent player

Coach your gaming group and grow together as players

Click here to find out more



Siege Studios:

Click here to see Siege Studios website

For all your commission painting and painting tuition needs

Matt' LVO 2022 List (pre FAQ and points changes)


Battalion detachment






Trajann valoris 170 (warlord)


Shield captain on dawn eagle jetbike, misercordia, salvo launcher, tip if the spear  195pts


Shield captain in allarus terminator armour, unstoppable destroyer 135


3 custodian guard with guardian spears 135


3 custodian guard with guardian spears 135


3 custodian guard with guardian spears 135


3 custodian wardens with castellan axes 150


Allarus custodian 65


Allarus custodian 65


Allarus custodian 65


Contempter galatus 170 eternal penitent 


Contempter galatus 170


Caladius grav tank with twin iliastus accelerator culvrins 205


Caladius grav tank with twin iliastus accelerator culvrins 205



Bike captain- relic: stasis oubliette, warlord trait: lock warden, superior creation


Terminator captain- relic: praetorian plate, warlord trait: radiant mantle


The emperor’s heroes -2cp

Open the vaults -1 cp

Victor of the blood games  -1cp

Eternal penitent -1 cp 

Trajinn +1 cp


Starting cp 8


Points: 2000/2000


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