Warhammer 40K Battle Report: Blood Angels vs Iron Hands

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This Warhammer 40,000 battle report features the new 2020 ITC Championship Mission pack and new ITC rules. 


2000 points pure Blood Angels face off against the Newly FAQd Iron Hands. 


We cover:


Our Lists

- How to play the Warhammer 40,000 ITC rule pack

- The Blood Angel's list

- The Iron Hands list

- Our Secondary picks

- Blood Angels Tactics

- Iron Hands Tactics. 

- What we would do differently

- How we would change our lists


Stephen’s Blood Angel List & Blood Angels Cheat Sheet:



Marks Iron Hands list:

At the bottom of this page


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Stephen Box



Mark’s Iron Hands List


[109 PL, 1,995pts, 6CP] ++


Battalion Detachment (5CP - 3CP)


**Chapter Selection**: Iron Hands


+ HQ +


Chapter Master in Phobos Armor [5 PL, 99pts, -2CP]: Camo cloak [3pts], Master-crafted instigator bolt carbine [6pts], Stratagem: Chapter Master [-2CP], The Ironstone


Iron Father Feirros [6 PL, 110pts]


+ Troops [30 PL, 535pts] +


Infiltrator Squad [5 PL, 110pts]: 4x Infiltrator [88pts], Infiltrator Sergeant [22pts]


Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 85pts]: Stalker Bolt Rifle

. 4x Intercessor [68pts]

. Intercessor Sergeant [17pts]: Chainsword


Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 85pts]: Stalker Bolt Rifle

. 4x Intercessor [68pts]

. Intercessor Sergeant [17pts]: Chainsword


Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 85pts]: Stalker Bolt Rifle

. 4x Intercessor [68pts]

. Intercessor Sergeant [17pts]: Chainsword


Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 85pts]: Stalker Bolt Rifle

. 4x Intercessor [68pts]

. Intercessor Sergeant [17pts]: Chainsword


Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 85pts]: Stalker Bolt Rifle

. 4x Intercessor [68pts]

. Intercessor Sergeant [17pts]: Chainsword


+ Elites [20 PL, 302pts, -1CP] +


Primaris Apothecary [3 PL, 60pts, -1CP]: Father of the Future, Strategem: Chief Apothecary [-1CP], Warlord


Relic Deredeo Dreadnought [14 PL, 222pts]: Anvillus autocannon battery [50pts], Atomantic pavaise [35pts], Twin heavy bolter [17pts]


Servitors [3 PL, 20pts]: 4x Servitor [20pts], 4x Servo-arm


+ Fast Attack [4 PL, 90pts] +


Suppressor Squad [4 PL, 90pts]

. 2x Suppressor [60pts]: 2x Accelerator autocannon [20pts], 2x Grav-chute [4pts]

. Suppressor Sergeant [30pts]: Accelerator autocannon [10pts], Grav-chute [2pts]



Spearhead Detachment (1CP)


+ HQ +


Lieutenants in Phobos Armor [5 PL, 81pts]

. Lieutenant in Phobos Armour [5 PL, 81pts]

. . Occulus Bolt Carbine and Bolt Pistol [6pts]: Grav-chute [2pts], Master-crafted occulus bolt rifle [4pts]


+ Heavy Support [39 PL, 778pts] +


Eliminator Squad [4 PL, 74pts]

. Eliminator Sergeant [26pts]: Camo cloak [3pts], Instigator Bolt Carbine [5pts]

. 2x Eliminator with Bolt Sniper [48pts]: 2x Bolt sniper rifle [6pts], 2x Camo cloak [6pts]


Eliminator Squad [4 PL, 74pts]

. Eliminator Sergeant [26pts]: Camo cloak [3pts], Instigator Bolt Carbine [5pts]

. 2x Eliminator with Bolt Sniper [48pts]: 2x Bolt sniper rifle [6pts], 2x Camo cloak [6pts]


Eliminator Squad [4 PL, 74pts]

. Eliminator Sergeant [26pts]: Camo cloak [3pts], Instigator Bolt Carbine [5pts]

. 2x Eliminator with Bolt Sniper [48pts]: 2x Bolt sniper rifle [6pts], 2x Camo cloak [6pts]


Mortis Dreadnought [8 PL, 140pts]

. Two twin lascannons [80pts]: 2x Twin lascannon [80pts]


Repulsor Executioner [15 PL, 324pts]: 2x Fragstorm Grenade Launcher [8pts], Heavy Laser Destroyer [40pts], Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon [30pts], 2x Storm bolter [4pts], Twin Heavy Bolter [17pts], Twin Icarus Ironhail Heavy Stubber [10pts]


Thunderfire Cannon [4 PL, 92pts]

. Techmarine Gunner [37pts]

. . Servo-harness [11pts]: Flamer [6pts], Plasma cutter [5pts]


++ Total: [109 PL, -3CP, 1,995pts] ++


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