5 Top Units in Warhammer 40k & How To Deal With Them.

On today’s show, we go over the 5 best, top and baddest units in Warhammer 40k and how you can overcome them at the table using our tactics and strategies. 

We cover what makes these units so strong, but we also uncover their weaknesses and how you can either deal with them using the tools or tactics we suggest. 

This is a must listen if you want to make sure you don’t have a “feels” bad moment at the table when you face them for the first time. 

We really hope you like this episode. Stephen & Jack. 



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Show Notes



  • Highly defensive, layers of defense - T8, 4+ Invun, minus one damage, 5+ feel no pain 
  • Can turn off rerolls and fight last - at melee 
  • Fast and with fly
  • High damage output 
  • Independant


  • Rate of Fire  
  • Plus to hit and wound in melee in combat
  • Can only be in one place at a time
  • High points cost 
  • Over 18 wounds
  • Fight last on morty
  • Not obsec


  • Fire rate of fire/attacks of Strength 5 of better (-AP1)
  • Damage 3 or higher weapons 
  • Mortal wounds
  • Turn off invun - death hex, jink 

Slow Down

  • Sending multiple units into combat 
  • Ensure number of models/wounds is more than attacks - need to survive at least one round. 
  • Transhuman - defensive strats


  • Fast, mobile units to run around the sides
  • Play the mission 
  • Screening 



  • Max 56 inch threat range as Kraken with Swarmlord double move
  • Ignoring terrain and models 
  • Good levels of defensive - invun, feel no pain 
  • High Level of Damage Out
  • Can fight twice


  • Over 18 wounds 
  • Alpha Strike  
  • Wrap your units to stop valuable units being declared as a charged - he has a big base. 
  • Needs character support investment (total points of package?)


  • Fire rate of fire and Melee
  • Reasonible amount of high damage shots - only 5+ invun
  • Mortal wounds
  • Combine multiple melee units so multiple units have to be charged. 

Slow Down

  • Sending multiple units into combat 
  • Position units upfield in correct positions to reduce overall threat range
  • Strat reserve/deepstrike valuable units that cannot be protected


  • Fast, mobile units to run around the sides
  • Screening 

Deathwing and Deathguard Terminators


  • Highly defensive - 2+ armour, Storm Shields (0+ save in cover), in built invun, minus one damage, feel no pain
  • High damage output 
  • Can be obsec 


  • Very slow - angle of attack is know
  • Can only be in one place
  • Need character support to be effective 


  • Fire rate of fire 
  • Damage 3 or higher weapons
  • AP-2/3 min required
  • Mortal wounds

Slow Down

  • Move block 


  • Keep units out of typical threat range (17 inches) 
  • Don't waste efforts if you don’t have the tools, remove other units playing the mission. Only engage if you have to. 

Sanguinary Guard 


  • 14” movement with fly
  • 5 Attacks on the charge with the assault docterine
  • S5, -4, 2 Damage
  • 2+ Save
  • +1 to hit near Warlord
  • 6 plus feel no pain
  • +1 to wound on the charge
  • -1 to hit in combat
  • Heroic intervention
  • Can be obsec 


  • T4 and 2 wounds
  • Have to stay near characters for benefits, Need character support
  • High Ap, Damage 2 & 3
  • Volume of shots, -1AP + Ignore cover save 
  • No in built invun


  • Bait the army out into the open
  • High Ap, Damage 2 & 3 (Thunderhammers, eradicators, plasma weapons)
  • Volume of shots, -1AP + Ignore cover save (imperial fist heavy bolters or aggressors)
  • Mortal wounds (smite)

Slow Down

  • Throw in units that have -1 damage and an invulnerable save
  • Can’t fall back and charge, charge with multiple units of opposite ends of the unit
  • Use units to block its landing zone to protect against the charge.
  • Bait long bomb charges 9 or more inches - onto objectives
  • Fight last abilities or overwatch. 



  • Not as defensive as other examples - you can engage
  • Spread the army wide, put as much distance between each unit
  • Force the army out into the open by scoring fast




  • Highly defensive can only take max 3 wounds per phase and can heal
  • High damage output - in mortal wound and combat
  • Independant


  • Slow - limitations on threat range
  • Can only be in one place
  • Not obsec 


  • When they charge you - do 3 wounds in the necron turn
  • Armies that can cause damage in multiple phases of the game
    • Physic 
    • Charge - ork vehicles
    • Shooting 
    • Combat 
    • Movement - bombers, Ctan
    • Overwatch - Tau 

Slow Down

  • Send multiple units into combat 
  • Control where the ctan powers go


  • Keep units out of typical threat range (20-30 inches) 



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