*NEW CODEX* Chaos Knights vs Drukhari: Warhammer 40K Battle Report!!

*NEW CODEX* Chaos Knights vs Drukhari: Warhammer 40K Battle Report!!


Mike will be commanding the Chaos Knights and Jake will be running the Drukhari.

Our VT battle reports bring a blend of entertainment and education. So if you are looking for an interactive Warhammer 40k coaching game, this will be perfect for you.

For this Warhammer 40k 9th edition battle report we will be using 2000 point strike force armies along with the Games Workshop Warzone Nachmund: Grand Tournament mission pack.

The mission for this battle report will be: Tear Down Their Icons.

In this Warhammer 40,000 battle report, we talk through the new codex Chaos Knights and Drukhari army lists and the secondary objectives that work well for them.

We show you the armies, the mission, the deployment, turn by turn analysis, and the end of the turn and game coaching round-up.

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The Vanguard Tactics Academy is a Warhammer 40k, educational programme, and community for Warhammer players that want to become a true commander at the table and find their chapter.

It's our vision to empower people to overcome personal barriers and enriching people's lives by providing a like-minded community along with promoting the importance of mental health. Using the table-top game Warhammer to unite people from around the world. Harnessing the power of playing games to escape the stresses of everyday life, with an emphasis on sportsmanship & fair play.


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Stephen Box


Jake's Drukhari:

++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Aeldari - Drukhari) [69 PL, 10CP, 1,195pts] ++


Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Detachment Command Cost

Obsession: Kabal of the Black Heart: Thirst for Power

Raiding Forces - CP Refund


+ Stratagems +

Stratagem: Prizes from the Dark City [-1CP]


+ No Force Org Slot +

Court of the Archon [10 PL, 100pts]: As Detachment (Kabal)

. Sslyth

. Sslyth

. Ur-Ghul: As Detachment (Kabal)

. Ur-Ghul: As Detachment (Kabal)

. Ur-Ghul: As Detachment (Kabal)

. Ur-Ghul: As Detachment (Kabal)


+ HQ +

Archon [5 PL, -1CP, 95pts]: Ancient Evil, As Detachment (Kabal), Blast Pistol, Huskblade, Overlord, Stratagem: Tolerated Ambition, The Djin Blade

. Splintered Genius (Black Heart): Splintered Genius


Drazhar [8 PL, 145pts]: Hatred Eternal, Warlord


+ Troops +

Kabalite Trueborn [8 PL, 145pts]: As Detachment (Kabal)

. 6x Kabalite Trueborn: 6x Splinter Rifle

. Kabalite Trueborn w/ Heavy Weapon: Dark Lance

. Kabalite Trueborn w/ Special Weapon: Blaster

. Kabalite Trueborn w/ Special Weapon: Blaster

. Trueborn Sybarite: Splinter Rifle


+ Elites +

Incubi [4 PL, 90pts]

. 4x Incubi: 4x Klaive

. Klaivex: Demiklaives


Incubi [4 PL, 90pts]

. 4x Incubi: 4x Klaive

. Klaivex: Demiklaives


+ Dedicated Transport +

Raider [6 PL, 110pts]: As Detachment, Dark Lance, Grisly Trophies


Raider [6 PL, 105pts]: As Detachment, Dark Lance


Raider [6 PL, 105pts]: As Detachment, Dark Lance


Raider [6 PL, 105pts]: As Detachment, Dark Lance


Raider [6 PL, 105pts]: As Detachment, Dark Lance


++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Aeldari - Drukhari) [43 PL, -1CP, 801pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Detachment Command Cost


Obsession: Cult of Strife: The Spectacle of Murder (Restricted)

Raiding Forces - CP Refund


+ HQ +

Succubus [5 PL, -1CP, 95pts]: 1 - Adrenalight (Combat Drug), As Detachment (Wych Cult), Precision Blows, Stratagem: Tolerated Ambition, The Triptych Whip

. Agoniser & Archite Glaive

. Show Stealer (Strife): Show Stealer


+ Troops +

Hekatrix Bloodbrides [8 PL, 160pts]: 2 - Grave Lotus (Combat Drug), As Detachment (Wych Cult)

. Hekatrix: Hekatarii Blade, Splinter Pistol

. 8x Hekatrix Bloodbride: 8x Hekatarii Blade, 8x Plasma Grenades, 8x Splinter Pistol

. Hekatrix Bloodbride w/ Shardnet and Impaler: Shardnet and Impaler


Wyches [7 PL, 130pts]: 2 - Grave Lotus (Combat Drug), As Detachment (Wych Cult)

. Hekatrix: Hekatarii Blade, Splinter Pistol

. 8x Wych: 8x Hekatarii Blade, 8x Plasma Grenades, 8x Splinter Pistol

. Wych w/ Shardnet and Impaler: Shardnet and Impaler


Wyches [7 PL, 130pts]: 2 - Grave Lotus (Combat Drug), As Detachment (Wych Cult)

. Hekatrix: Hekatarii Blade, Splinter Pistol

. 8x Wych: 8x Hekatarii Blade, 8x Plasma Grenades, 8x Splinter Pistol

. Wych w/ Shardnet and Impaler: Shardnet and Impaler


+ Elites +

Mandrakes [4 PL, 75pts]

. 4x Mandrake: 4x Baleblast, 4x Glimmersteel Blade

. Nightfiend


Mandrakes [4 PL, 75pts]

. 4x Mandrake: 4x Baleblast, 4x Glimmersteel Blade

. Nightfiend


+ Fast Attack +

Hellions [8 PL, 136pts]: 1 - Adrenalight (Combat Drug), As Detachment (Wych Cult)

. Helliarch: Hellglaive

. 7x Hellion: 7x Hellglaive, 7x Splinter Pods


++ Total: [112 PL, 9CP, 1,996pts] ++

Mike's Chaos Knights

++ Super-Heavy Detachment 0CP (Chaos - Chaos Knights) [103 PL, 8CP, 2,000pts] ++

Infernal Dread Household: House Korvax


+ Stratagems +

Corrupted Heirlooms [-2CP]: Two models

Tyrannical Court [-2CP]: Two models


+ Lord of War +

Knight Abominant  [24 PL, 460pts]: Diabolus Heavy stubber, Volkite Combustor, Balemace, Electroscourge, Warlord: 1. Infernal Quest, Relic: Twisted Mask, Psychic Powers: Winds of the Warp, Storm Malevolent, Coruscating Hate. Pantheon Undivided: Blessing of the Dark Master


Knight Despoiler [24 PL, 485pts]: Despoiler Gatling Cannon and Heavy Darkflamer, Diabolus Heavy stubber, Daemonbreath Thermal Cannon, Corrupted Heirloom Relic: The Tyrant's Banner


Knight Rampager [22 PL, 440pts]: Reaper Chainsword, Warpstrike Claw, Diabolus Heavy Stubber, Tyrannical Court: Lord of Dread, Corrupted Heirloom Relic: Rune of Darkness, Slaanesh: Beguiling Majesty


War Dog Executioner [8 PL, 155pts]

War Dog: Diabolus Heavy stubber, Two War Dog autocannons


War Dog Stalkers  [25 PL, 460pts]

. War Dog: Diabolus Heavy stubber, Avenger Chaincannon and Slaughterclaw, Tyrannical Court: Knight Diabolus, Tzeentch: Pyrothrone; Psychic Power: Spitesquall

. War Dog: Diabolus Heavy stubber, Daemonbreath Spear and Reaper Chaintalon

. War Dog: Diabolus Heavy stubber, Daemonbreath Spear and Reaper Chaintalon


++ Total: [103 PL, 8CP, 2,000pts] ++


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