Adeptus Mechanicus vs League of Votann: Warhammer 40k Battle Report

 Adeptus Mechanicus vs League of Votann: Warhammer 40k Battle Report

In this Warhammer 40k battle report Mike tests the Balance Dataslate's rules rollback for the Adeptus Mechanicus and Jake shows off some reinforcements for the awesome Leagues of Votann!

Our VT battle reports bring a blend of entertainment and education. So if you are looking for an interactive Warhammer 40k coaching game, this will be perfect for you.

For this Warhammer 40k 9th edition battle report we will be using 2000 point strike force armies along with the Games Workshop Warzone Nephilim: Grand Tournament mission pack.

In this Warhammer 40,000 battle report, we talk through the Adeptus Mechanicus and Leagues of Votann army lists and the secondary objectives that work well for them.

We show you the armies, the mission, the deployment, turn by turn analysis, and the end of the turn and game coaching round-up.


Mike's Adeptus Mechanicus
++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Mechani...
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Night Lords vs Ultramarines: Warhammer 40k Battle Report

Night Lords Chaos Space Marines vs Ultramarines Space Marines Warhammer 40K Battle Report

In this Warhammer 40k battle report Mike puts his beloved Night Lords on the table and Jake commands the Ultramarines

Our VT battle reports bring a blend of entertainment and education. So if you are looking for an interactive Warhammer 40k coaching game, this will be perfect for you.

For this Warhammer 40k 9th edition battle report we will be using 2000 point strike force armies along with the Games Workshop Warzone Nephilim: Grand Tournament mission pack.

In this Warhammer 40,000 battle report, we talk through the Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines army lists and the secondary objectives that work well for them.

We show you the armies, the mission, the deployment, turn by turn analysis, and the end of the turn and game coaching round-up.


Mike's Night Lords:

++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [106 PL, , 2,000pts] ++
+ Configuration +
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Harlequins vs GSC *Stephen's Muscle Beach Birthday Special*: Warhammer 40K Battle Report!

Harlequins vs GSC *Stephen's Muscle Beach Birthday Special*: Warhammer 40K Battle Report!

In this battle report Stephen will be commanding the Harlequins and Jake will be taking command of Genestealer Cult.

Join us in celebrating Stephen's birthday by doing a Muscle Beach themed game of Warhammer 40K!

Our VT battle reports bring a blend of entertainment and education. So if you are looking for an interactive Warhammer 40k coaching game, this will be perfect for you.

For this Warhammer 40k 9th edition battle report we will be using 2000 point strike force armies along with the Games Workshop Warzone Nephilim: Grand Tournament mission pack.

In this Warhammer 40,000 battle report, we talk through the Harlequin and GSC army lists and the secondary objectives that work well for them. We show you the armies, the mission, the deployment, turn by turn analysis, and the end of the turn and game coaching round-up.

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Adeptus Mechanicus vs Necrons: Warhammer 40K Battle Report!

Adeptus Mechanicus vs Necrons: Warhammer 40K Battle Report!

In this battle report Stephen will be commanding the Adeptus Mechanicus and Rich will be bringing his recently buffed Necrons! 

For this Warhammer 40K Battle Report the VT team will be using the new Warzone Nephilim Mission Pack along with the recent point changes and balance update.

Our VT battle reports bring a blend of entertainment and education. So if you are looking for an interactive Warhammer 40k coaching game, this will be perfect for you.

For this Warhammer 40k 9th edition battle report we will be using 2000 point strike force armies along with the Games Workshop Warzone Nephilim: Grand Tournament mission pack.

In this Warhammer 40,000 battle report, we talk through the Adeptus Mechanicus and Necrons army lists and the secondary objectives that work well for them.

We show you the armies, the mission, the deployment, turn by turn analysis, and the end of the turn and game coaching round-up.

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Dark Angels vs Tau Empire: Warhammer 40K Battle Report!

Dark Angels vs Tau Empire: Warhammer 40K Battle Report!

In this battle report Jake will be commanding the Dark Angels and Chris will be taking command of Tau Empire.

For this Warhammer 40K Battle Report the VT team will be using the new Warzone Nephilim Mission Pack along with the recent point changes and balance update.

Our VT battle reports bring a blend of entertainment and education. So if you are looking for an interactive Warhammer 40k coaching game, this will be perfect for you.

For this Warhammer 40k 9th edition battle report we will be using 2000 point strike force armies along with the Games Workshop Warzone Nephilim: Grand Tournament mission pack.

In this Warhammer 40,000 battle report, we talk through the Dark Angels and Tau army lists and the secondary objectives that work well for them.

We show you the armies, the mission, the deployment, turn by turn analysis, and the end of the turn and game coaching round-up.

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NEW CODEX Chaos Space Marines vs Adepta Sororitas: Warhammer 40K Battle Report!

NEW CODEX Chaos Space Marines vs Adepta Sororitas: Warhammer 40K Battle Report! *New Warzone Nephilim, Balance Update & New Points*

In this battle report Stephen will be commanding the New Codex Chaos Space Marines and Jake will be taking command of the Sisters of Battle.

For this Warhammer 40K Battle Report the VT team will be using the new Warzone Nephilim Mission Pack along with the recent point changes and balance update.

Our VT battle reports bring a blend of entertainment and education. So if you are looking for an interactive Warhammer 40k coaching game, this will be perfect for you.

For this Warhammer 40k 9th edition battle report we will be using 2000 point strike force armies along with the Games Workshop Warzone Nephilim: Grand Tournament mission pack.

We will be using a mission from Games workshops Warzone Nephilim along with new secondaries.

In this Warhammer 40,000 battle report, we talk through the Chaos Space Marine and Sisters army lists and the secondar...

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NEW Chaos Space Marines vs Custodes *New Nephilim Missions, Points & Dataslate*

In this battle report Stephen The Despoiler commands the Black Legion and Chris stands defiant in command of the Adeptus Custodes

For this Warhammer 40K Battle Report the VT team will be using the NEW Warzone Nephilim Mission Pack, Points and Dataslate!

 Our VT battle reports bring a blend of entertainment and education. So if you are looking for an interactive Warhammer 40k coaching game, this will be perfect for you.

For this Warhammer 40k 9th edition battle report we will be using 2000 point strike force armies along with the Games Workshop Warzone Nephilim: Grand Tournament mission pack.

We will be using a new mission from Games workshops Warzone Nephilim!

In this Warhammer 40,000 battle report, we talk through the Black Legion and Custodes army lists and the secondary objectives that work well for them.

We show you the armies, the mission, the deployment, turn by turn analysis, and the end of the turn and game coaching round-up.

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Blood Angels vs Drukhari: Warhammer 40K Battle Report!! *Pride Month Special*

Blood Angels vs Drukhari: Warhammer 40K Battle Report!! *Pride Month Special* 

For this Warhammer 40K Battle Report 50% off the money raised by super chats will go to Stonewall, a LGBTQ+ charity that over the last 30 years, has helped create transformative change in the lives of LGBTQ+ people in the UK.

Here is a link to their website if you would like to learn more or donate:

Stephen and Jake will also be dressing up in drag to show their support for the LGBTQ+ community.

At VT we believe that everyone should feel comfortable and confident on and off the tabletop which is why we would like to dedicate this stream to show our support for pride month.

Stephen will be using his BAO Blood Angels list against Jake who will be running Drukhari.  

Our VT battle reports bring a blend of entertainment and education. So if you are looking for an interactive Warhammer 40k coaching game, this will be perfect for you.

For this Warhammer 40k 9th edition bat...

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Tyranids vs Necrons: Warhammer 40K Battle Report!!

Tyranids vs Necrons: Warhammer 40K Battle Report!!

Mike will be using his 2nd Place BAO Tyranids list and Rich will command the Necrons.

Our VT battle reports bring a blend of entertainment and education. So if you are looking for an interactive Warhammer 40k coaching game, this will be perfect for you.

For this Warhammer 40k 9th edition battle report we will be using 2000 point strike force armies along with the Games Workshop Warzone Nachmund: Grand Tournament mission pack.

The mission for this battle report will be The Scouring.

In this Warhammer 40,000 battle report, we talk through the Tyranid vs Necron army lists and the secondary objectives that work well for them.

We show you the armies, the mission, the deployment, turn by turn analysis, and the end of the turn and game coaching round-up.

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*NEW CODEX* Imperial Knights vs Adepta Sororitas: Warhammer 40k Battle Report!!

Stephen will be leading the Imperial Knights and Jake will command the Adepta Sororitas.

Our VT battle reports bring a blend of entertainment and education. So if you are looking for an interactive Warhammer 40k coaching game, this will be perfect for you.

For this Warhammer 40k 9th edition battle report we will be using 2000 point strike force armies along with the Games Workshop Warzone Nachmund: Grand Tournament mission pack.

The mission for this battle report will be: Abandoned Sanctuaries

In this Warhammer 40,000 battle report, we talk through the New Codex Imperial Knights and Adepta Sororitas army lists and the secondary objectives that work well for them.

We show you the armies, the mission, the deployment, turn by turn analysis, and the end of the turn and game coaching round-up.

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New to Warhammer 40k? Want to return to the hobby? Maybe you want to brush up on your basics? Click the link below to...

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