Warhammer 40k Battle Report: Custodes vs Emperors Children

Warhammer 40k Battle Report: Custodes vs Emperors Children

In this 2000 points we see the true guardians of the golden throne, the Custodes run by Joe Coles going up against the lords of excess, the Emperors Children run by Stephen Box.

Fighting through the streets of an Imperial city, the Custodes must fold back the Emperors children. 

For this Warhammer 40k 9th edition battle report we will be using the 2000 point strike force armies along with the new missions from Games Workshop Grand Tournament 2020 mission pack. The mission today is PRIORITY TARGET

 If you want to learn how to play Warhammer 40,000 9th edition missions, #new40k, then this Warhammer 40k Battle Report, with the Custodes vs Emperors Children will be perfect to get you started.

In this Warhammer 40k battle report we talk through the Custodes army list and the secondary objectives that work well for them.

We also go through theEmperors Children army list and their secondary objectives. 

We show you the armies, the mission, the deployment, turn by turn analysis and with the end of the turn and game round-up. 

If you are looking for a competitive Custodes or competitive Emperors Children list, but also themed then you will love these lists.

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This battle report is brought to you by Vanguard Tactics and the Vanguard Tactics Academy. The only Warhammer 40k online coaching course.

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Stephen Box



++ Battalion Detachment (Imperium - Adeptus Custodes)++

Shield Host: Solar Watch

+ HQ +

Captain-General Trajann Valoris [190pts]

. Warlord: Champion of the Imperium


Shield-Captain [-2CP, 100pts]

. Captain-Commander: Inspirational Exemplar

. Guardian Spear,

. Ten Thousand Heroes: Sally Forth


+ Troops +

Custodian Guard Squad [259pts]

. 3 x Custodian: Guardian Spear

. 2 x Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield


Custodian Guard Squad [259pts]

. 3 x Custodian: Guardian Spear

. 2 x Custodian: Sentinel Blade, Storm Shield


Sagittarum Custodians [265pts]

. 5 x Sagittarum Custodian: Misericordia


Sagittarum Custodians [265pts]

. 5 x Sagittarum Custodian: Misericordia


+ Elites +

Allarus Custodians [420pts]

. 6 x Allarus Custodian: Castellan Axe


Prosecutors [60pts]

. Sister Superior: Boltgun, Psyk-Out Grenades

. 4x Prosecutor: Boltgun, Psyk-Out Grenades


Prosecutors [60pts]

. Sister Superior: Boltgun, Psyk-Out Grenades

. 4x Prosecutor: Boltgun, Psyk-Out Grenades


Vexilus Praetor [120pts]

. Guardian Spear, Vexilla Magnifica


++ Total: [10CP, 1,998pts] ++




++ Battalion Detachment (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) ++

 Legion: Emperor's Children

+ No Force Org Slot +

Dark Disciples [10pts]: Slannesh

. 2x Dark Disciple: Close combat weapon


+ HQ +

Daemon Prince [165pts]

. Powers: Death Hex 

. 2 x Malefic talon

. Slaanesh

. Warlord: Gluttony for Punishment


Dark Apostle [80pts]

. Mark of Slaanesh

. Relic: Remnant of the Maraviglia


+ Troops +

Noise Marines [220pts]

. 2x Marine w/ blastmaster: 2x Blastmaster, 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Frag & Krak grenades

. 7x Marine w/ sonic blaster: 7x Bolt pistol, 7x Frag & Krak grenades, 7x Sonic Blaster

. Noise Champion: Bolt pistol, Sonic blaster


Noise Marines [220pts]

. 2x Marine w/ blastmaster: 2x Blastmaster, 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Frag & Krak grenades

. 7x Marine w/ sonic blaster: 7x Bolt pistol, 7x Frag & Krak grenades, 7x Sonic Blaster

. Noise Champion: Bolt pistol, Sonic blaster


Noise Marines [419pts]: Icon of Excess

. 2x Marine w/ blastmaster: 2x Blastmaster, 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Frag & Krak grenades

. 16x Marine w/ sonic blaster: 16x Bolt pistol, 16x Frag & Krak grenades, 16x Sonic Blaster

. Noise Champion: Bolt pistol, Sonic blaster


+ Elites +

Terminators [345pts]

. Icon of Excess, Mark of Slaanesh

. 7 x Terminator: Combi-plasma, Lightning Claw

. Terminator: Combi-bolter, Lightning Claw

. Terminator Champion: Combi-plasma, Lightning Claw


+ Heavy Support +

Chaos Whirlwind Scorpius [-1CP, 170pts]: Mark of Slaanesh


++ Patrol Detachment -2CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines)++

Legion: Creations of Bile

+ HQ +

Sorcerer [90pts]

. Bolt pistol, Force sword, Slannesh

. Relic [-1CP]: The Helm of the all seeing


+ Troops +

Chaos Space Marines [70pts]

. No Chaos Mark

. Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Boltgun

. 4x Marine w/ boltgun: Bolt pistol, Boltgun, 


+ Elites +

Possessed [1210pts]

. Icon of Excess, Mark of Slaanesh

. 10x Possessed: Horrifying Mutations


++ Total: [-1CP, 1,999pts] ++


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