How To Play Tau in Warhammer 40k 9th Edition

Struggling to play a lower tier Warhammer 40k army like Tau?


Wondering what you can do to beat Space Marines?


Getting frustrated that you arn't getting the results that you want to?


On this week's show of the Competitive 40K Podcast we cover how Jack has mastered and evolved his Tau army list and gameplay. 


Jack takes us through the playstyle of Tau, what makes them unique and then through the problems and challenges that he overcame. 


This is an exceptional podcast and something every single Warhammer 40K player will be able to relate to. 


We really hope you enjoy this episode. 


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Hi, it’s Jack here from Vanguard Tactics and I wanted to share my thoughts on my favourite faction the Ta’u Empire.


I have been playing Ta’u competitively throughout 8th Edition and into 9th, so this article covers my journey with the army...

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Top Units For Each Faction

Top Units For Each Faction.

On this week's show of the Competitive Warhammer 40K Podcast brought to you by Vanguard Tactics.

Stephen Box, Joe Coles and Jake Harding talk about the top 3 must have units for each faction. We divided all the factions in the game between us. Then we each selected a HQ Unit, Troops choice and the best must have unit it include in your competitive lists, when creating an army. 

If you want to keep on top of Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition competitive play, then check out this podcast.

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This podcast is brought to you by Vanguard Tactics and the Vanguard Tactics Academy. The only Warhammer 40k online coaching course.

The VT Academy takes you through everything you need to know about 40k, from how to write the optimal army list for your faction, to advance tactics on the...

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Space Wolves Codex Review: Everything You Need To Know

On this week's show of the Competitive Warhammer 40K Podcast brought to you by Vanguard Tactics,

Jack Downing and Myself (Stephen Box) talk about the new Space Wolves Codex Supplement and what it means for Warhammer 9th edition. We talk new units, new rules, combos and strategies. 

If you want to keep on top of Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition competitive play, then check out this podcast.

Want to take your game to the next level?

Want to learn even more? Sign up for the Vanguard Tactics Academy and learn to win in the right way.


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This podcast is brought to you by Vanguard Tactics and the Vanguard Tactics Academy. The only Warhammer 40k online coaching course.

The VT Academy takes you through everything you need to know about 40k, from how to write the optimal army list for your faction, to advance tactics on the tabletop and our step by step process to prepare for you a tournament. The VT Academy will not only help...

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Deathwatch Space Marines Codex Review

On this week's show of the Competitive Warhammer 40K Podcast brought to you by Vanguard Tactics,

Jack Downing and Myself (Stephen Box) talk about all thing Deathwatch with the release of their new Warhammer 9th edition Space Marine codex supplement. We talk new units, new rules, combos and strategies. 

If you want to keep on top of Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition competitive play, then check out this podcast.

Want to take your game to the next level?


Want to learn even more? Sign up for the Vanguard Tactics Academy and learn to win in the right way.


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This podcast is brought to you by Vanguard Tactics and the Vanguard Tactics Academy. The only Warhammer 40k online coaching course.

The VT Academy takes you through everything you need to know about 40k, from how to write the optimal army list for your faction, to advance tactics on the tabletop and our step by step process to prepare for you a tournament....

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Cheating, Fair Play And Sportsmanship

Cheating, Fair Play And Sportsmanship

On this week's show of the Competitive Warhammer 40K Podcast brought to you by Vanguard Tactics,

Jack Downing, Ben Jones and Myself (Stephen Box) talk about cheating, fair play and sportsmanship in the world of  competitive Warhammer 40k.

Wether the cheating be intentional or a genuine mistake. This podcast will talk about how to deal with it at the tabletop and make sure both players still have a good game.


Want to take your game to the next level?

Want to learn even more? Sign up for the Vanguard Tactics Academy and learn to win in the right way.


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This podcast is brought to you by Vanguard Tactics and the Vanguard Tactics Academy. The only Warhammer 40k online coaching course.

The VT Academy takes you through everything you need to know about 40k, from how to write the optimal army list for your faction, to advance tactics on the tabletop and our step by step...

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Why Tilting Will Lose You Games

Why Tilting Will Lose You Games.
On this week's show of the Competitive Warhammer 40K Podcast brought to you by Vanguard Tactics,
Joe Coles, Jack Downing and Myself (Stephen Box) Talk about Tilting, What it is, how it affects you, how it affects your game, how it makes you act to other players and why it will make you lose games.
We talk about how tilting has effectively lost us games at competitive Warhammer events. Most importantly we talk about how to overcome tilt and achieve that important win or adjust your mindset after a bad loss, to go on and win the rest of your games at an event.
This is all about having the right mindset to play and win at a competitive level.
If you want to keep on top of Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition competitive play, then check out this podcast.
Donate Today
If you want to get behind a good cause and support a great mens mental health charity. Donate at the Vanguard Tactics Team page on the Movember...
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How To Write A Warhammer 40K Army List With Tabletop Titans

How To Write A Warhammer 40K Army List With Tabletop Titans
On this week's show of the Competitive Warhammer 40K Podcast brought to you by Vanguard Tactics,
Adrian and Brian from Tabletop Titans talk me (Stephen Box) about all things Warhammer 40k list building and consider secondaries. Which ones to pick, which ones to keep in your back pocket and which ones to just flat avoid.
If you want to keep on top of Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition competitive play, then check out this podcast.
We take a look at some of the common list builds and army play styles in Warhammer 40k.
Better The Meta:
In better the meta we talk about picking secondaries when writing your list and what to consider when approaching the table.
Check out Tabletop Titans youtube channel: Click here
Want to take your game to the next level?
Want to learn even more? Sign up for the Vanguard Tactics Academy and learn to...
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How to Play and Beat Death Guard

How to Play and Beat Death Guard
On this week's show of the Competitive Warhammer 40K Podcast brought to you by Vanguard Tactics,
Don Hooson & myself (Stephen Box) talk you through all things Death Guard tactics and their new Death Guard rules in Psychic Awakening: War of the Spider. 
If you want to know top Death Guard tactics and stay up-to-date with Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition competitive play, then check out this podcast.
Better The Meta:
In better the meta we talk about the new rules for Death Guard and how they function as an army in the new Warhammer 9th Edition meta, what combinations can be used to take you to victory. 
We take you through what tactics to use to beat Death Guard and exposing their weaknesses. 
 Army Analysis:
In this weeks army analysis we cover Don Hooson's tried and tested competitive Death Guard list
If you would like a copy of the list,...
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10 Tips for Playing Warhammer 40K 9th Edition

On this week's show of the Competitive Warhammer 40K Podcast brought to you by Vanguard Tactics,
Jack & myself (Stephen Box) take you through the top 10 things we learnt about Warhammer 40k 9th Edition at our recent Vanguard Tactics Grand Series Tournament in our main segment 40K in focus.
If you want to know top tactics and stay up-to-date with Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition competitive play, then check out this podcast.
Better The Meta:
In better the meta we cover the rise of Adeptus Custodes. How they function as an army, how to fight them and how to score points against them.
 Army Analysis:
In this weeks army analysis we cover the Ultramarine's list Stephen took to the event.
If you would like a copy of the list, please see the link's below.
Want to take your game to the next level?
Sign up for the Vanguard Tactics free learn to play Warhammer 40,000 9th edition...
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