Avoid Making These List Mistakes

Avoid Making These List Mistakes 

On this week's show of the Competitive Warhammer 40K Podcast brought to you by Vanguard Tactics,

Jack Downing, Joe Coles and Myself (Stephen Box) talk about some of the top list writing mistakes, that people make when creating their warhammer 40k competitive armies.

With the free live Masterclass that I will be running tomorrow (Saturday 31st at 4pm GMT) about list writing, we want to give you an idea of the topics we will be discussing. 

I also talk to Paul Murphy from the Forge the Narrative Podcast about all things Blood Angels, with the recent release of the new 9th edition Space Marine Codex and the new Blood Angels FAQ index. 

We also discuss some of the events and charities Paul supports throughThe Nova Open Charitable Foundation

Support it HERE 

If you want to keep on top of Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition competitive play, then check out this podcast.

 3 Top Secrets To Build Your Army List Like A Pro
In this army ...
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Why Tilting Will Lose You Games

Why Tilting Will Lose You Games.
On this week's show of the Competitive Warhammer 40K Podcast brought to you by Vanguard Tactics,
Joe Coles, Jack Downing and Myself (Stephen Box) Talk about Tilting, What it is, how it affects you, how it affects your game, how it makes you act to other players and why it will make you lose games.
We talk about how tilting has effectively lost us games at competitive Warhammer events. Most importantly we talk about how to overcome tilt and achieve that important win or adjust your mindset after a bad loss, to go on and win the rest of your games at an event.
This is all about having the right mindset to play and win at a competitive level.
If you want to keep on top of Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition competitive play, then check out this podcast.
Donate Today
If you want to get behind a good cause and support a great mens mental health charity. Donate at the Vanguard Tactics Team page on the Movember page.
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How To Set & Smash Goals This Year

goal setting Jan 13, 2020
Hey guys, 
I hope you had a great xmas and New Year?
This email is going to be a little different but I think you will find this incredibly valuable not just for 40K. 
I want to talk about your goals for this year. 
Now you might be reading this thinking goal setting is a load of rubbish and doesn’t work. 
And tbh I would agree with you in a lot of instances. 
Goals are absolutely meaningless without these three principles. 
Every day for the last 10 years I have helped people achieve their health, fitness, career, sport and body goals.
I have found to get the very most out of people it has required the same three things over and over again. 
Those principles are the following:
Purpose - Your Why
Process - Your step by step plan
Accountability - Helping your keep your promise to yourself. 
The below quote is one I came up with when I speak to my clients and thought I'd share:
"A goal without a why and a process is a destination without ...
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