Orks vs Craftworld Eldar *Jake's Top Gun Birthday Special* :Warhammer 40K Battle Report!

Orks vs Craftworld Eldar *Jake's Top Gun Birthday Special* :Warhammer 40K Battle Report!

In this battle report Stephen will be commanding the Orks and Jake will be taking command of Craftworld Eldar.

Join us in celebrating Jakes birthday by doing a Top Gun themed game of Warhammer 40K!

For this Warhammer 40K Battle Report the VT team will be using the new Warzone Nephilim Mission Pack along with the recent point changes and balance update.

Our VT battle reports bring a blend of entertainment and education. So if you are looking for an interactive Warhammer 40k coaching game, this will be perfect for you.

For this Warhammer 40k 9th edition battle report we will be using 2000 point strike force armies along with the Games Workshop Warzone Nephilim: Grand Tournament mission pack.

In this Warhammer 40,000 battle report, we talk through the Orks and Eldar army lists and the secondary objectives that work well for them.

We show you the armies, the mission, the deployment, turn by...

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New Codex Harlequins vs Orks Warhammer 40k Battle Report


New Codex Harlequins vs Orks Warhammer 40k Battle Report

!!Sign up for the FREE Aeldari Masterclass on 23rd March!!

Here's the link to sign up: https://www.vanguardtactics.com/aeldari

Stephen will be commanding the New Codex Harlequins and Michael will be running Orks.   

Our VT battle reports bring a blend of entertainment and education. So if you are looking for an interactive Warhammer 40k coaching game, this will be perfect for you.   

For this Warhammer 40k 9th edition battle report we will be using 2000 point strike force armies along with the missions from the Games Workshop Warzone Nachmund: Grand Tournament mission pack.   

The mission for this battle report is The Scouring.

In this Warhammer 40,000 battle report, we talk through the Harlequins and Orks army lists and the secondary objectives that work well for them.

We show you the armies, the mission, the deployment, turn by turn analysis, and...

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New Codex Orks vs Chaos Knights: Warhammer 40K Battle Report

Orks vs Chaos Knights: Warhammer 40K Battle Report

Stephen is taking command of the New Codex Orks & Micheal will be running the Chaos Knights. 

We will be using the new balanced rules from GW!

Our VT battle reports bring a blend of entertainment and education. So if you are looking for an interactive Warhammer 40k coaching game, this will be perfect for you.

For this Warhammer 40k 9th edition battle report we will be using 2000 point strike force armies along with the missions from the Games Workshop Grand Tournament 2021 mission pack.

The mission for this battle report is Scorched Earth.

In this Warhammer 40,000 battle report, we talk through the New codex Orks and Chaos Knights army lists and the secondary objectives that work well for them.

We show you the armies, the mission, the deployment, turn by turn analysis, and the end of the turn and game coaching round-up.

Find out when the next streams are by signing up to the stream calendar: http://cal.ae/ghmhhaw...

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New Orks Warhammer 40K Codex Review

Want to know everything there is to know about the new Orks 9th edition codex? If you are an Orks player, looking to play as Orks, or want to know the top tactics for going against the Orks, then this podcast will help you understand the top tactics, combos and abilities in the new codex along with how these apply on the table.

In this episode we are joined by VT coaches, Aaron Kennedy and Jack Downing, along with legendary Ork player Rich Kilton! 

Check out this video "Warhammer 40K Battle Report! Rich Kilton versus Thomas Hegstrom Oakey! 2000 pts Orks vs Death Guard"

See Rich's List at the bottom of the blog. 


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The Vanguard Tactics Academy is a Warhammer 40k, educational programme and community for Warhammer players that want to become a true commander at the table and find their chapter.

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It is Vanguard Tactic's vision to empower people to overcome personal barriers...

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Orks vs Grey Knights NEW CODEX Warhammer 40,000 Battle Report


Aaron Kennedy is taking command of the Orks & Jake Harding will be running the Grey Knights.

 Our VT battle reports bring a blend of entertainment and education. So if you are looking for an interactive Warhammer 40k coaching game, this will be perfect for you.

For this Warhammer 40k 9th edition battle report we will be using 2000 point strike force armies along with the missions from the NEW Games Workshop Grand Tournament 2021 mission pack.

The mission for this battle report is Scorched Earth.

In this Warhammer 40,000 battle report, we talk through the Orks and the Grey Knight army lists and the secondary objectives that work well for them. We show you the armies, the mission, the deployment, turn by turn analysis, and the end of the turn and game coaching round-up.

Support VT & Join the VT Academy


The Vanguard Tactics Academy is a Warhammer 40k, educational programme, and community for Warhammer...

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New ways to play Orks in Warhammer 40k 9th edition

Wondering how you can make an army do well but without following the crowd, doing what everyone else does and just copying the top meta lists?

In this show, new VT coach Aaron takes us through his approach to the game and how he has developed a super strong Warhammer 40k Ork list (see on the VT blog page) to succeed in 9th edition. 

Aaron covers some absolute gem units in the Ork codex and how he ius using them to score well on both the primary and the secondary.


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Show Notes


Tell the listeners a bit about your journey towards becoming a coach…

My story starts really at the beginning of this year. I had made the decision to make a big effort and travel around the country to really hit the competitive scene hard this year.

I signed up for the London Grand Tournament, Bristol Grand Tournament and a few other RTTs. The first of those was a 3 round RTT at the Hampshire Hammerers club.

It was my first large ITC...

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Top 3 Strats for Each Faction

Top 3 Strats for Each Faction

On this week's show of the Competitive Warhammer 40K Podcast brought to you by Vanguard Tactics.

Stephen Box, Joe Coles and Jack Downing talk about the top 3 most useful stratagems for each faction that you need to be aware of when playing in the world of competitive 40k.

With this podcast episode and last weeks we give you a baseline knowledge of each faction. 

If you want to keep on top of Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition competitive play, then check out this podcast.

Want to take your game to the next level?

Want to learn even more? Sign up for the Vanguard Tactics Academy and learn to win in the right way.

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This podcast is brought to you by Vanguard Tactics and the Vanguard Tactics Academy. The only Warhammer 40k online coaching course.

The VT Academy takes you through everything you need to know about 40k, from how to write the optimal army list for your faction, to advance tactics on the tabletop and our...

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Warhammer 40k Battle Report: Death Guard vs Orks

In the 4th game on the live stream today we have Francis Parker Running the Death Guard vs Jack Down running the Orks.
++ Battalion Detachment (Chaos - Death Guard) ++
Plague Company: Mortarion's Chosen Sons
+ HQ +
Daemon Prince of Nurgle [195pts]
Powers: Blades of Putrefaction,
Warlord: Arch-Contaminator
. Hellforged sword, Wings
Daemon Prince of Nurgle [195pts]
. Powers: Miasma of Pestilence,
. Hellforged sword, Wings
+ Troops +
Plague Marines [342pts]
. Plague Champion: Boltgun, Plague knife
. 18x Plague Marine w/ boltgun: Blight Grenades, Boltgun, Plague knife
Plague Marines [162pts]
. Plague Champion: Boltgun, Plague knife
. 8x Plague Marine w/ boltgun: Blight Grenades, Boltgun, Plague knife
Plague Marines [90pts]
. Plague Champion: Boltgun, Plague knife
. 4x Plague Marine w/ boltgun: Blight Grenades,...
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EP 14 | How To Win With Orks With Rich Kilton

orks podcast May 26, 2020
On this week's show of the Competitive Warhammer 40K Podcast brought to you by Vanguard Tactics,
I (Stephen Box) interview top Ork play Rich Kilton and we take you through the new Ork Rules from Psychic Awakening, Saga of the beast in our main segment 40K in focus.
If you want to know the new rules for Warhammer 40K Orks and top tactics then check out this podcast.
We cover:
The new Ork rules
The main ways to play Orks
Some crazy powerful combos
Top Ork units
How Rich has changed this Ork list since PA
If you want Rich's Ork list check out the show notes on our website blog page. 
Better The Meta:
No better the meta on this episode
Your Questions Answered: Quick fire round Q&A
We answer the top questions that you have sent through to our Instagram @thevanguardtactics.
If you have a question for the show, shoot us a direct message.
Want to take your game to the next level?
Sign up for your 14-day free...
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EP 11 | New Ork Rules & Tactics From Psychic Awakening

orks podcast Apr 07, 2020
On this week's show of the Competitive Warhammer 40K Podcast brought to you by Vanguard Tactics,
Jack Downing, Chris Webb-Cook & myself (Stephen Box) take you through the new Ork Rules from Psychic Awakening, Saga of the beast in our main segment 40K in focus.
If you want to know the new rules for Warhammer 40K Orks and top tactics then check out this podcast.
We cover:
The new Ork rules
The main ways to play Orks
Some crazy powerful combos
Top Ork units
How Chris and Jack will be changing their lists
If you want Chris Ork list check out the show notes link below. 
Better The Meta:
No better the meta on this episode
Your Questions Answered: Quick fire round Q&A
We answer the top questions that you have sent through to our Instagram @thevanguardtactics.
If you have a question for the show, shoot us a direct message.
Want to take your game to the next level?
Sign up for your 14-day free trial on the...
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