Want to know everything there is to know about the new Dark Angels Space Marine 9th edition codex?
If you are a Dark Angels player or looking to play Dark Angels then this show will help you understand the top tactics, combos and abilities in the new codex along with how these have application on the table.
If you are worried about playing against the Dark Angels and want to know how to beat them, this episode will go through everything there is to know about how they can catch you out at the table.
We really hope you like this episode. Stephen & Jack.
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Wondering how you can make an army do well but without following the crowd, doing what everyone else does and just copying the top meta lists?
In this show, new VT coach Aaron takes us through his approach to the game and how he has developed a super strong Warhammer 40k Ork list (see on the VT blog page) to succeed in 9th edition.
Aaron covers some absolute gem units in the Ork codex and how he ius using them to score well on both the primary and the secondary.
Listen Below:
Show Notes
Tell the listeners a bit about your journey towards becoming a coach…
My story starts really at the beginning of this year. I had made the decision to make a big effort and travel around the country to really hit the competitive scene hard this year.
I signed up for the London Grand Tournament, Bristol Grand Tournament and a few other RTTs. The first of those was a 3 round RTT at the Hampshire Hammerers club.
It was my first large ITC event so I didn...
Struggling to play a lower tier Warhammer 40k army like Tau?
Wondering what you can do to beat Space Marines?
Getting frustrated that you arn't getting the results that you want to?
On this week's show of the Competitive 40K Podcast we cover how Jack has mastered and evolved his Tau army list and gameplay.
Jack takes us through the playstyle of Tau, what makes them unique and then through the problems and challenges that he overcame.
This is an exceptional podcast and something every single Warhammer 40K player will be able to relate to.
We really hope you enjoy this episode.
Hi, it’s Jack here from Vanguard Tactics and I wanted to share my thoughts on my favourite faction the Ta’u Empire.
I have been playing Ta’u competitively throughout 8th Edition and into 9th, so this article covers my journey with the army and how I’m transitioning across to the new edition.
I thought it was time...
On this week's show of the competitive 40k podcast, we talk about the recent rules update, FAQs, and Errata for Warhammer 40k 9th edition.
We discuss the most significant changes and how they will have an impact on the game of 40k.
We go over all of the changes to the mission pack, Warhammer 40k rule book, rare rules, and points changes.
If you want to stay on top of your gameplay or want to have a different perspective on the FAQ, check out this episode.
Mission Pack
On this week's show of the Competitive Warhammer 40K Podcast brought to you by Vanguard Tactics.
Jack Downing and Stephen Box talk about the new Blood Angels Codex Supplement. In this 9th Edition Blood Angels codex review Steve talks about all the new abilities, stratagems, traits and combos that the Blood Angels Space Marines now have access to.
Stephen has been playing Blood Angels Space Marines in Warhammer 40k for several years now and has won multiple events with them and is the No.1 Blood Angels player in the world. You can see him running the Blood Angels Space Marines in several of our Warhammer 40k Battle Reports on this channel.
If you want to keep on top of Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition competitive play, then check out this podcast.
Join us this Sunday 6th December for a free Blood Angels masterclass!
Steve will teach you how to play Blood Angels. The best Blood Angels Tactics and how to play Competitive Blood Angels. We will show you how to use the units from the Blood...
On this week's show of the Competitive Warhammer 40K Podcast brought to you by Vanguard Tactics,
Jack Downing and Myself (Stephen Box) talk about all thing Deathwatch with the release of their new Warhammer 9th edition Space Marine codex supplement. We talk new units, new rules, combos and strategies.
If you want to keep on top of Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition competitive play, then check out this podcast.
Want to learn even more? Sign up for the Vanguard Tactics Academy and learn to win in the right way.
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This podcast is brought to you by Vanguard Tactics and the Vanguard Tactics Academy. The only Warhammer 40k online coaching course.
The VT Academy takes you through everything you need to know about 40k, from how to write the optimal army list for your faction, to advance tactics on the tabletop and our step by step process to prepare for you a tournament. The VT Academy will not only help you w...
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